Friday 3 January 2014

Sense Poems

When I think of a durian,
I can see spike like mace,
I can smell strong women perfume,
I can feel pain from hard work,
I can taste sweetness like no other,
The king of all other.

 When I think of a mango,
I can see skin that being peel,
I can smell a baked cupcake,
I can feel sticky rubber on my hand,
I can taste sweet sour sugar,
My tongue filled with sweet and sour taste. .

When I think of a rambutan,
I can see hair on a baby,
I can smell a baby shampoo,
I can feel flurry on a brush,
I can taste children toothpaste,
Ugly on the outside yet sweet in the inside.

When I think of a watermelon,
I can see big green egg,
I can smell a girl lipstick,
I can feel like hitting a drum,
I can taste sweet red liquor,
Fruit that come in many colours on the inside.

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